Declaration of Confirmity 2024
We are already implementing measures in the fields of climate protection, energy management and waste avoidance. In the coming years CANCOM will continue to work to further reduce or compensate for the effects and influences of its economic activities.
CANCOM is making its contribution to containing the consequences of man-made climate change and to preserving the natural foundations of life and biodiversity.
CANCOM lays the foundation for a sustainable and good workplace for all through a responsible personnel policy. We take on board the diverse perspectives of our colleagues and would like to include them in the company.
We also ensure that our suppliers comply with our principles. At the same time, CANCOM takes its commitment to society seriously and supports the community through local initiatives.
We also ensure that our internal processes support sustainable value creation. For this reason, we continually review our structures as well as our corporate management and examine how we can make our processes more sustainable and future-proof.
Many aspects of sustainability are already an integral part of good corporate governance and responsible entrepreneurship. As the Executive Board, we are directly responsible for the areas of sustainability, human resources and governance. The observance of laws, codes, guidelines and the Code of Conduct are closely monitored as part of compliance. CANCOM pursues a zero-tolerance approach to compliance and sanctions all violations.
On this page we give an overview of how we at CANCOM are working on these issues.
München, 2. Februar 2024
Rüdiger Rath
Thomas Stark
Each year, the Management Board and Supervisory Board issue a joint declaration of compliance in accordance with section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG). Here you can find our current declaration of conformity as well as the declarations from previous years.
Please find below the current declaration of the Board of Management on corporate governance pursuant to §289f and §315d of the German Commercial Code (HGB) as well as the declarations of previous years.
Here you can find the current abridged corporate governance statement.
Please find below the rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board and the Articles of Association of CANCOM SE.
The German Corporate Governance Code is published at Information from the German Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management is published at
Our approach to governance and sustainability is defined by central guidelines and policies, which you can download here.
Further information on sustainability, governance and social issues can be found in our Group non-financial reports, which you can access here.
The remuneration system for Supervisory Board members was last approved by the Annual General Meeting of CANCOM SE on 14 June 2023 with a majority of 98.2%.
The remuneration system for Executive Board members was approved by the Annual General Meeting of CANCOM SE on 29 June 2021 with a majority of 82.8%.
The remuneration report according to §162 AktG as well as the reports of the previous years are published below.
16.12.2024 | CANCOM SE: ALUK Privatstiftung, sell | |
13.12.2024 | CANCOM SE: ALUK Privatstiftung, sell | |
28.11.2024 | CANCOM SE: ALUK Privatstiftung, sell | |
15.11.2024 | CANCOM SE: Thomas Stark, buy | Thomas Stark |
15.11.2024 | CANCOM SE: Rath Consulting GmbH, buy | |
11.06.2024 | CANCOM SE: Rath Consulting GmbH, buy | |
03.06.2024 | CANCOM SE: Thomas Stark, buy | Thomas Stark |
16.08.2023 | CANCOM SE: Thomas Stark, buy | Thomas Stark |
30.06.2023 | CANCOM SE: Rath Consulting GmbH, buy |
Previously published Directors’ Dealings can be found here: